Thursday, October 21, 2010

a few things about ethan wayne

So ethan will be 3 months on sunday. here are a few things about ethan

~Ethan has been sleeping through the night since he was a month old. not only does he sleep from 10-7, but after he eats at 7 he goes back to sleep and sleeps the morning away

~Ethan loves the itsy bitsy spider and head shoulders knees and toes. Those songs always get him giggling!

~He is a great eater! For a little boy who had trouble learning to eat he is now a very healthy eater and is aver 16lbs already! he is also a noisy eater. feeding him in public always gets a few laughs!

~Ethan has stinky little feet! i keep them super clean but for some reason his feet get very stinky! and yet i cant help but play with them!

~Ethan has moobs aka man boobs he is my little chunker everyone says how heavy he is but i dont really notice

~ethan is learning to grab things. he always grabs his binky clip and yanks on it which only makes him sad sometimes

~ethan is very good with his bink. he doesnt need it to fall asleep at night. he uses it to calm down and then spits it out... he kind of reminds me of a smoker. he take a few drags on the bink to calm down and then hes done!

~ he loves sports already! he watches his daddy play basketball twice a week and soccer once a week and he watches the whole game! its fun to watch him turn his head to watch and he even gets upset if you turn him away from the game.

~he tried to sneak watching tv! he loves lights and so he loves to try to watch the tv every chance he gets! i keep him turned away most of the time cause i dont want him watching it till hes older but he sneaks it!

~ he is very good at holding him head up and bearing weight on his legs.

~his eyes go crazy when i use the camera flash

~his new thing is sucking on his lip and its really funny! i love to hear the smack smack smack coming from the back of the car!

there are millions of things i could say about my little ethan wayne but that is enough for now! i cant believe how big my baby boy already is! he makes being a mommy so easy. i look forward to seeing him grow.

1 comment:

  1. Oh happy day! I know you are doing this for me, so thank you! I just had a huge smile the whole time reading your blog. Now I feel like I can participate a little in watching Ethan grow up. He is so darn cute! I love the little lip smacking! :) Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting! Keep it up! ;)
